Small semi-private group classes focus on progressive strength training as well as incorporating many disciplines such as the barbell sports, gymnastics, cardiovascular, and bodyweight movements in a challenging hour long class while having a coach to watch over and correct movement faults
*Focused on Building Strength through clear progressions of weights and movements
*Build Muscle endurance
*scalable to almost everyone
*Barbells, Kettlebells, Dumbells, Bodyweight excercises
And the WODIFY app helps you track both your progress as well as reserve classes and see what workouts you may have missed. And if you are looking for a workout to do while away from the gym there are more than 1000 archived workouts to look at from the past 10 years SchuBox has been training
Sample Workout
Take 10-15 minutes warming up
Strength Training - 5 sets of 5 Backsquats doing one set every 3 minutes:
30 Minutes to get as rounds as possible of:
400m Run or subbing bike
20 Toes to Bar (subbing out ab mats if needed)
15 Box Jumps (subbing step ups if needed)
20 Goblet Squats (finding an appropriate weight per person)